Our Team

Mauricio Bruce | Host

Host (Season 4)

Born and raised in San José, Costa Rica, Mauricio is a chaplain, transpersonal therapist and coach who believes in personal development and health through spiritual development. After a portentous dream and a long search Mauricio traveled to the Andes where he studied medicine and spirituality with the Q’ero people of Perú. He has directed Umbral de la Montaña, a self-development and spirituality school in San José, Costa Rica, for the last twelve years, and he is an international teacher at Asersentido International, a life coaching school based in Santiago, Chile. He holds a BA in English and Film Studies from Washington University in St. Louis and a Masters in Divinity from Harvard Divinity School.

Ariana Nedelman


Ariana Nedelman produces The Real Question and Hot & Bothered. She has her BA from the University of Chicago and enjoyed a brief stint at Harvard Divinity School before dropping out to become a full time podcaster.

In her spare time, Ariana is working on an audio project called When We All Get to Heaven, which tells the story of how a LGBTQ Christian congregation responded to the HIV/AIDS crisis in 1980s and 90s San Francisco. She loves contra dancing, British panel shows, and reading aloud.

Email: ariana@notsorryproductions.com

This podcast is a Not Sorry production! To learn more about our extended team and other podcasts, click here!

Casper ter kuile

Co-Host (Season 1+2)

Casper ter Kuile brings new possibilities for community and spirituality to life. He's the former co-host of The Real Question, the co-creator and founding co-host of Harry Potter and the Sacred Text, and a board member of Not Sorry.

Casper is the author of The Power of Ritual (HarperOne, 2020) and the co-founder of Sacred Design Lab, a soul-centered research and development lab. A graduate of Harvard's Kennedy and Divinity Schools, he served as a Ministry Innovation Fellow for Harvard Divinity School from 2016-2021.

Vanessa zoltan

Host (Season 1, 2 + 3)

Vanessa is the CEO of Not Sorry. She hosts three podcasts: The Real Question, Harry Potter and the Sacred Text, and Hot & Bothered. She founded Common Ground Pilgrimages in order to travel with brilliant faculty to beautiful places and talk about books with amazing pilgrims. It was a great trick she pulled off. She is also the author of the book, Praying with Jane Eyre.

Vanessa was trained as a non-denominational chaplain at Harvard Divinity School. She has served as a chaplain in hospital, university, and prisons.

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