Should I ?
It's a new year and we're bringing you a new season with a new host! Today Mauricio is entertaining a very special guest – Vanessa Zoltan. Maybe you've head of her?
Vanessa is reflecting on what she wants for 2025 and is wondering whether she should take an art class this year. Art used to be a big part of her life and she misses it! But does she truly have the motivation to leave the house regularly, especially in the evening when she could be resting?
About a year ago, Evie completed a Master’s course in acting. But actually pursuing acting professionally feels like a whole different thing – like she’d have to really commit to it as her life’s dream and struggle for years and maybe still not ever make it. Thinking about that, Evie’s not sure if she’s good enough or feels passionately enough to commit to trying.
This week on Should I Quit? Mauricio and Evie explore what counts as a dream and when you should pursue it.
Leading up to the election, Marina and their girlfriend started joking about marriage. Once the idea was in the air, the question became more and more real. Sure they're young, sure they haven't been together that long, but they really love each other. Plus, heading into a conservative administration, LGBTQ+ rights aren't guaranteed. Is now the time to get married?
This week on Should I Quit? Mauricio and Marina discuss when you should rely on the wisdom of your parents and when you should follow your instincts.
A lot of us have a checklist for dating – things we're specifically looking for (or not looking for) in a partner. After a string of unsuccessful dates, Katie is re-evaluating her checklist. Are these things she really needs? What if they're getting in the way of her finding the right person?
This week on the show Mauricio and Katie discuss how past relationships can continue to influence you long after they're over.
Daniel Schroeder's dad is Methodist minister, so he grew up in the church. But about 10 years ago, after he graduated college, he stopped going. Now, after all this time, he's wondering if it's time to go back.
This week on the show Mauricio and Daniel discuss the process of coming out and how to carve out a sense of individual identity within your family.
Daniel is the host of Let's Ask Taylor Swift, our newest podcast at Not Sorry. Every other week he and Vanessa Zoltan dissect a Taylor Swift song and apply it to their lives.
Serena, like all of us, wants to spend less time scrolling on her phone. She wants to make more time for community and deep conversations and joy. She wants to have some kind of sabbath practice. But what does that look like when you don't have a religious tradition to dictate the terms?
This week on the show Mauricio and Serena walk step-by-step through designing a sabbath ritual.
Devon always said that when she moved back to Ohio, she would start planning for the future. She'd think about all the big things: about finding a partner, about whether she wants kids, about buying a house, about planning for retirement. But now that's she's finally moved home, she's been avoiding all those big topics. Is she avoiding them because she doesn't want them? Or is she avoiding them because it's scary to begin?
This week on the show Mauricio and Devon talk about how to stay flexible and also build roots.
Anna Goldfarb is a journalist and self-titled 'friendship expert' who is the author of the recent book Modern Friendship: How to Nurture Our Most Valued Connections. This week she joins Vanessa to talk all about why we make friends, why we lose them, and how to keep them.
Anna knows she wants to be a parent and she doesn't want to do it alone, but she's never particularly wanted a life partner. Should she reconsider that position for the sake of raising a child?
On today's episode, Anna and Mauricio explore Anna's relationship to partnership and uncover some of the deeper anxieties at play for her.
Ray is graduating with a Masters of Divinity this year but they know they don't want to pursue a traditional path towards ordination. They do want to continue providing spiritual care and counseling to their community. But should they be charging for that work? Shouldn't care be accessible to people who need it, without being a financial burden?
On today's episode, Ray and Mauricio explore what it means to have a calling and the complicated web of care, disability, and capitalism.
Elizabeth Rowe's bookclub reading has started to feel like homework. She loves to read, but after a long day of work she wants romance and adventure and fantasy. Her bookclub, on the other hand, wants Tolstoy. Should she leave the club?
This week on the show Mauricio and Elizabeth discuss the importance of community space.
Elizabeth Rowe is a leadership coach. She's teaching an upcoming class for Not Sorry called Discerning Success. Sign-up here!
Meghan lives with her partner and daughter in Costa Rica, far away from the rest of their family. They travel frequently to see their family, but it always feels like a huge effort to do so. Should they quit traveling so much? Or would that deprive themselves and their daughter of necessary family time?
This week on the show Mauricio and Meghan discuss the duty we feel towards family and how to balance that with our own self-care.
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